The Fate of the Tearling by Erika Johansen

 4 out of 5 stars

This is far past its due date. I mean, I finished reading this book months ago! My only excuse is that the ending of this book had me messed up. I mean, tears, snot, hiccuping, the whole nine yards, it was not a pretty sight. Not to mention that a Wolf Alice song that perfectly summed up the ending of the trilogy came on as Kelsea’s life as she knew it crashed to pieces. (I highly suggest listening to How Can I Make it Okay? By Wolf Alice whilst reading the last chapter, it makes it all the more emotional). 

In less than a year on the throne, the Glynn Queen, Kelsea has gone from sheltered teenager, to one of the most powerful and visionary rulers the Queendom of the Tearling has seen. She has restored her queendom though doing so has not been an easy feat, naturally Kelsea has made enemies along the way, among those including the Red Queen of Mortmesne. 

In order to save her people and her queendom, Kelsea has done the unthinkable and handed herself over to the Red Queen, and upon doing so, she named Lazurus of the Mace the ruler in her stead. Though the Mace will not rest until he has Kelsea back where she belongs on the throne and safe. 


I’m a huge fan of this trilogy, hell, I was even a huge fan of the prequel that a lot of readers disliked with a passion. I loved that we were given a taste of just what was going on in Mortmesne and the distrust and tension that was stirring under the rule of the Red Queen. I also liked the weird relationship that Kelsea and the Red Queen developed (not to mention the crazy ruler’s backstory). 

This book also forced a visceral emotional reaction out of me that not even real life can pull from my emotionally numb mind, so automatic points for that. The ending was not one that I expected but I can’t say that I hated it. Yeah, it was emotional and made me sob but in the end, I was happy for Kelsea, I mean, in a weird way, she got everyone she cared for back. Honestly, I highly recommend this book series for anyone who hasn't read it. 

As always, my review can also be found on Goodreads, here


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