A Stitch in Time by Kelley Armstrong

 3.5/5 stars

A late Happy New Year and a quick book review. Not as long as my other ones because, well, I wasn't entirely sure what to say about this book, here's my first review of 2023!

Returning to Thorne Manor after twenty-two years, Bronwyn Dale is confronted with both ghosts of her past and the paranormal. Able to slip through a stitch in time to the 1800’s, Bronwyn can’t help but wonder if she’s still able to do so twenty some years later, and will her childhood friend and first love, William Thorne still be around? And if so, will he still welcome her into his world after she disappeared from his life without a trace?

Upon return, Bronwyn is met with a cold William. Not only that, but it seems like the spirits in the house are trying to communicate with her. Just what is it exactly that they want? And what are they trying to tell her? Then there’s also the question of just why is William secluding himself to the manor? Does it have to do with the ghosts of the past that remain in her time, trapped forever or until Bronwyn figures out just what happened to them?

A weakness of mine has always been time travel novels, so it’s no surprise that I gave this book a try. Much like her most recent time travel book, A Rip Through Time, I enjoyed this story. Armstrong does a great job creating a strange setting. Though, I will admit that I found this book to have some convenient twists to say the least. That aside, I enjoyed not only the time travel portion of this book, but also the paranormal mystery. I liked how Bronwyn's ability to travel through the stitch had to do with the mystery that she was working on unraveling as she rekindled with William. 

As my first read of the year (finished book at least, and I know that I’m a bit behind), I’d say that this book was a pretty good start. I listened to this book in audiobook format on Audible and will be consuming the next book in the same manner.

As usual, my book review can also be found on Goodreads here.


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