
 If you've stumbled across this blog, I want to say, "congrats"! Or maybe, "Sorry". I'm not sure which one, but only time will tell. But first, I'll do the honours and make a quick introduction about this blog!

As I sit at my dining room table, my mind is blank. I cannot think of anything to put here besides the fact that I will be using this blog to review books. Now, I will not say that my reviews are good, I mean, for all I know, they could be awful, but that's something for future me to worry about. But I will say that all of my reviews are going to be honest, and my own thoughts. 

As of now (May 2022), I'm not paid to review books, I do this for fun. This is a hobby for me. I enjoy reading, it is one of my greatest pleasures in life. To be quite honest, I'm not even sure how I have the attention span to read as I have ADHD, and it's hard for me to even watch television. Though, I think it has to do with the fact that when reading, one has to use their imagination. Sure, the authors put the words on paper and give you a story to enjoy, but the reader has to use their mind's eye to imagine exactly what is going on. As a child, I had a vivid imagination, and that is something that I carried into my adult life. Both then and now, I had the ability to conjure stories, characters, and places in my head and I swear I can see them almost as clear as day. I love that when reading, I have the opportunity to tune out everything around me and just lose myself in a story, imagining all of the happenings. So, maybe the use of my imagination is why my ADHD brain can allow me to read (though, I will admit, I do have to break things up otherwise I'll read the same page over again, but that's a conversation for another time).

I started with posting short and small reviews on Goodreads. In fact, I've been on the website for approximately ten years. As a young teenager, I thought the website was absolutely amazing, the bees knees so to speak. And now, as a woman in her mid-twenties, I still find the website absolutely incredible. Without it, I do not know where I'd be and what books I may have missed out on. 

It was through Goodreads where I discovered NetGalley. I thought, hey, if I'm reading so much, why not put my thoughts down and give genuine feedback about the book I've just read? And that's exactly what I did. From there, I began to tweet links to my review out, though, as I am part of a twitter that is not "book twitter", I'm not sure how far my audience reaches but that is a-okay. I'm not here for the views or popularity, I am here for fun and because I want there to be a place for me to share and store my thoughts on books. 

That brings us to where we are now. If I'm already reviewing books on Goodreads and then tweeting my thoughts out in a form of a link on twitter, why not just create a blog, something much more stable and that is mine. 

Like I said earlier, I'm not going to promise that these reviews are going to be super great or change the world because we all know the likelihood of that, but I do hope to have fun along the way!

Until my first review, thank you!


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