A Review of Cranford by Miss Elizabeth Gaskell

 Actual Rating: 3.8

Date Completed: 9th of May, 2022

A social comedy, Cranford spins an episodic tale of the small village of it's namesake, Cranford. In the village, it is important that decorum and propriety are maintained at all times. Though, the gentility of the villagers does not always keep tragedy away. Cranford is a great example of a tender but yet sharp and witty tale, one of honest affections and friendship.

In the beginning, we are introduced to Miss Mary Smith, a young woman in her mid to early twenties, a visitor to Cranford. We are also introduced to Misses Deborah and Matty Jenkyns, friends of Miss Smith's deceased mother. Though much older than her, Miss Smith forms and attachment and friendship with the elder sisters. Though, introduced to many of the occupants of the Village Cranford, Miss Smith's initial visit is short and she is considered an outsider. 

Since the initial visit, Miss Smith becomes a regular at Cranford, looking forward to her stays with her elder friend, Miss Matty. The tale, set in an episodic manner, as it was originally published in a magazine, shows the true meanings of friendships and affections through the happenings and drama in the village. 

Though it took me a few chapters to look at Miss Smith as anything more than the narrator, I was quick to fall in love with Miss Matty's character and eventually Miss Smith's as Miss Matty is Miss Mary Smith's older friend and a protagonist in the story. The story portrays a different side of society that is not normally portrayed in novels from this time period. There's not much drama surround love and matches for marriage, instead, Cranford portrays the happenings of a village, that could have actually happened in a very tender, affectionate, but yet comedic way. 

Not something that I would usually read, as I find myself a sucker for period dramas and romance, I found myself thoroughly enjoying Cranford and Miss Gaskell's episodic style of writing. 

Thank you for reading! You can find a link to my Goodreads review here.


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